Maplelea Jean Jacket


  • Put the following three items in your cart, and the sandals will be FREE!

    • Gardening Greatness 
    • Maplelea Jean Jacket (this accessory)
    • Criss Cross Sandals

    Iflinks to the other two items are not showing at the bottom of this page, enter the name of the item in the search bar.

  • A jean jacket is a staple for a Canadian doll’s wardrobe. The Maplelea Jean Jacket is a classic style with brass buttons and orange stitching. Do you know the origin of the Canadian tuxedo? Find out in the accompanying journal pages. 

    Shown on KB1 Brianne doll with KB37 Riding Mountain, sold separately.

    • denim jean jacket
    • collectible journal page
    • blank journal page
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