Maplelea Canadian Girl Music Video

Clip vidéo de Real Canadian Girl

Appel à toutes les vraies filles canadiennes !

Nous vous invitons à chanter avec Jessie Farrell, lauréate d'un prix Juno, sur le remake par Maplelea du classique canadien de Stompin' Tom, Real Canadian Girl.

Cette vidéo a été produite pour Maplelea par Two Story Productions Inc., pour célébrer ce qui rend les filles canadiennes distinctes et uniques.

Dites-nous ce que vous en pensez dans les commentaires !


La création de Saila – La fille Maplelea du Grand Nord !
La bataille des poupées

{0 commentaire

  • Blythe
    Apr 20, 2023 à 11:55

    I Love Maplelea!

  • Carol Ann Loughridge
    Dec 12, 2022 à 13:57

    I love all of your Maple girls dolls, I have all seven of the Maplelea girl dolls, three Maplelea friends dolls, four Maplelea and Me dolls as well as one plush Chinook Welsh pony, three plush dogs, their names are Boulder, Defenbaker and Sable. I truly love the educational journals that come with each of the dolls and I love the song Real Canadian Girl, sung by Ms Jesse Ferelle. I have all of my dolls and plush animals on display and I allow no one to touch them. They are so very precious to me. They journals tell quite a lot about 🍁 Canada.

    From a very happy, well pleased 😌 and a very satisfied customer.
    Please tell Mrs. Kathrine Morton-Gallegar and her staff to keep up the excellent and educational work at the Maplelea Doll Company.

    Sincerely, Carol Ann Loughridge

  • Kim Fukushima
    Jul 03, 2022 à 13:03

    Perfect song for our Maplelea girls! I’ve loved this version since the first day I saw the video. Jessie does a fantastic job. Her voice is perfect and the videography is spectacular. Jessie and the girls were certainly having a great time in the video.

  • Ellie
    Dec 17, 2020 à 19:19

    beautiful song! I don’t have maplelea yet, BUT I know the quality is very, very high AND IM GETTING ONE SOON!!!!
    thank you maplelea because… just saying, I don’t like American Girl.

  • Ave
    Dec 18, 2020 à 19:20


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