Daniel the Explorer

Daniel the Explorer

Photostory by Shannon G. in BC.

As gift, Daniel received the perfect t-shirt for exploring the woods. 


For Daniel, nothing is better than being in the forest, following streams and climbing tree roots that have grown from nurse stumps.


He hopped, skipped, and jumped along the woodland trails and to his surprise he came across a giant waterfall!


Yes, woah! He looked up and said, “I have to get up there to the top!! At least to where the waterfall hits the ground”. The climb was steep. He was slipping and sliding but he made up his mind to get there. And then ... he made it… and it was a thrill.


He was soaked from the thundering waterfall and cold from the whirling wind. He was thrilled with being able to hold his own against the forces of nature.


Once he reached the bottom of the falls, he sat down where it was calm to enjoy his bottled water and snack. He though, “I can't wait to tell my friends about what I found today!”.



An Outdoor Adventure - A Winter Camp Story
Clearing the Path for Camp Maplelea!

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