Maplelea Kids Go Skating in Maple Ridge, BC!

Maplelea Kids Go Skating in Maple Ridge, BC!

A photo story by superfan Shannon G. of Maple Ridge, BC. 

It only happens once and while, but for the past few days it happened.  The temperatures dropped significantly and no snow fell!  This made the lakes freeze beautifully smooth and clear--so clear you could see right through the ice!

The Maplelea kids all heard about this and so the messages started flying back and forth. Soon a play date on Whonnock Lake in Maple Ridge, BC was organized—meet at the dock at 9am!

When they arrived, the lake was wonderfully crystal clear! Quickly the boots were off and the skates were on. 

Dolls skating on ice

 Leaving their boots behind, they quickly skated out on the ice.

doll boots left on the edge of the lake while the dolls go out skating

The Maplelea kids looked down and noticed they could even see their reflections in the smooth ice!

 Dolls can see their reflection in the smooth clear ice while skating

The sun shone brightly and there were only two big skaters already on the ice. They moved quickly with their hockey skates and sticks, hitting a puck back and forth.

four dolls skating with 2 people skating in background

Danny and Theo started doing a little hockey practice of their own.

 two Maplelea dolls skating with hockey sticks

Taryn, who is already a pretty good figure skater, coached Brianne how to use her ballet skills to do an ice skating spin.

Maplelea doll Taryn teaching Brianne how to do a spin on the ice

Saila, Charlsea, and Alexi skated together and talked about all the things that happened in their lives this week.

Three Maplelea dolls skate and chat

Charlsea demonstrated how she could skate backwards by angling her skates just right and then opening and closing her legs.

 Maplelea doll skating backwards while other dolls wearing skates watched

Canadian kids everywhere take great pleasure in skating outdoors on lakes, ponds and backyard ice rinks, and the Maplelea kids were no exception!





Maplelea Photo Contest
The Making of Charlsea


  • Irene Davidson Thomas
    Mar 12, 2024 at 16:58

    These are the cutest pictures! 🥰

  • Tanya Lee
    Feb 14, 2024 at 12:05

    Wonderful photos!!! Captured Canadian childhood perfect and the poses are great. How did you manage to do this without them falling over??

  • Thea C
    Jan 24, 2024 at 10:14

    Excellent pictures of the kids skating at the frozen lake. Such cute poses… love their reflections in the clear ice.


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